Author: Sandipan Dey

Table of content


In this chapter, we'll continue our discussion on the recent advances in image processing with deep learning. We will be dealing with a few problems in particular, and shall try to solve them using deep learning with deep CNNs. 

We will look at the object detection problem, understanding the basic concepts involved, then examine how to write code to solve the problem with object proposals and a You Only Look On (YOLO) v2 pre-trained deep neural network in Keras. You will be provided with resources that will help you in training the YOLO net.

Get ready to learn about transfer learning and solve deep segmentation problems using the DeepLab library. You will learn to specify which layers to train while training a deep learning model, and demonstrate a custom image classification problem by only learning the weights for the FC layers of a VGG16 network.

You may be surprised to learn how deep learning can be used in art generation, with deep style transfer models, where the content of one image and the style of another image can be used to obtain a final image. 

The topics to be covered in this chapter are the following:

Introducing YOLO v2 

YOLO, is a very popular and fully conventional algorithm that is used for detecting images. It gives a very high accuracy rate compared to other algorithms, and also runs in real time. As the name suggests, this algorithm looks only once at an image. This means that this algorithm requires only one forward propagation pass to make accurate predictions. 

In this section, we will detect objects in images with a fully convolutional network (FCN) deep learning model. Given an image with some objects (for example, animals, cars, and so on), the goal is to detect objects in those images using a pre-trained YOLO model, with bounding boxes.

Many of the ideas are from the two original YOLO papers, available at this paper and this. But before diving into the YOLO model, let's first understand some prerequisite fundamental concepts.

Classifying and localizing images and detecting objects

Let's first understand the concepts regarding classification, localization, detection, and object detection problems, how they can be transformed into supervised machine learning problems, and subsequently, how they can be solved using a deep convolution neural network.Refer to the following diagram:

Here's what we can infer:


Proposing and detecting objects using CNNs

Moving from localization to detection, we can proceed in two steps, as shown in the following screenshot: first use small tightly cropped images to train a convolution neural net for image classification, and then use sliding windows of different window sizes (smaller to larger) to classify a test image within that window using the convnet learnt and run the windows sequentially through the entire image, but it’s infeasibly slow computationally.

However, as shown in the next figure, the convolutional implementation of the sliding windows by replacing the fully connected layers with 1 × 1 filters makes it possible to simultaneously classify the image-subset inside all possible sliding windows parallelly, making it much more efficient computationally.

Using YOLO v2 

The convolutional sliding windows, although computationally much more efficient, still has the problem of detecting bounding boxes accurately, since the boxes don’t align with the sliding windows and the object shapes also tend to be different. The YOLO algorithm overcomes this limitation by dividing a training image into grids and assigning an object to a grid if and only if the center of the object falls inside the grid. This way, each object in a training image can get assigned to exactly one grid and then the corresponding bounding box is represented by the coordinates relative to the grid. 

In the test images, multiple adjacent grids may think that an object actually belongs to them. In order to resolve this, the intersection of union (iou) measure is used to find the maximum overlap and the non-maximum-suppression algorithm is used to discard all the other bounding boxes with low-confidence of containing an object, keeping the one with the highest confidence among the competing ones, and discarding the others. Still, there is the problem of multiple objects falling in the same grid. Multiple anchor boxes (of different shapes) are used to resolve the problem, each anchor box of a particular shape being likely to eventually detect an object of a particular shape.

If we want YOLO to recognize 80 classes that we have, we will represent the class label c as an 80-dimensional vector, which means having 80 numbers out of these 80 numbers, one of the components is 0, whereas others are 1.

To reduce the computational expense in training the YOLO model, we will be using pre-trained weights. For more detail about the model, refer to the links provided at the end of the chapter.

Using a pre-trained YOLO model for object detection

The following are the steps that you must follow to be able to use the pre-trained model:

Let's first load all the required libraries, as shown in this code block:

Now implement a few functions to read the classes and anchor files, generate the color of the boxes, and scale the boxes predicted by YOLO:

In the following code snippet, we'll implement a couple of functions to preprocess an image and draw the boxes obtained from YOLO to detect the objects present in the image:

Let's now load the input image, the classes file, and the anchors using our functions, then load the YOLO pretrained model and print the model summary using the next code block:

Semantic Segmentation

In this section, we'll discuss how to use a deep learning FCN to perform semantic segmentation of an image. Before diving into further details, let's clear the basic concepts.

Semantic segmentation refers to an understanding of an image at pixel level; that is, when we want to assign each pixel in the image an object class (a semantic label). It is a natural step in the progression from coarse to fine inference. It achieves fine-grained inference by making dense predictions that infer labels for every pixel so that each pixel is labeled with the class of its enclosing object or region.

with DeepLab V3+

DeepLab presents an architecture for controlling signal decimation and learning multi-scale contextual features. DeepLab uses an ResNet-50 model, pre-trained on the ImageNet dataset, as its main feature extractor network. However, it proposes a new residual block for multi-scale feature learning, as shown in the following diagram. Instead of regular convolutions, the last ResNet block uses atrous convolutions. Also, each convolution (within this new block) uses different dilation rates to capture multi-scale context. Additionally, on top of this new block, it uses Atrous Spatial Pyramid Pooling (ASPP). ASPP uses dilated convolutions with different rates as an attempt of classifying regions of an arbitrary scale. Hence, the DeepLab v3+ architecture contains three main components:

  1. The ResNet architecture
  2. Atrous convolutions
  3. Atrous Spatial Pyramid Pooling

DeepLab v3 architecture

The image shows the parallel modules with atrous convolution:

With DeepLab-v3+, the DeepLab-v3 model is extended by adding a simple, yet effective, decoder module to refine the segmentation results, especially along object boundaries. The depth-wise separable convolution is applied to both atrous spatial pyramid pooling and decoder modules, resulting in a faster and stronger encoder-decoder network for semantic segmentation. The architecture is shown in the following diagram:

Steps you must follow to use DeepLab V3+ model for semantic segmentation

Here are the steps that must be followed to be able to use the model to segment an image:

  1. First, clone or download the repository from here.
  2. Extract the ZIP file downloaded to the keras-deeplab-v3-plus-master folder.
  3. Navigate to the keras-deeplab-v3-plus-master folder; the following code needs to be run from inside the directory.

Before running the following code block, create an input folder and an empty output folder. Save your images you want to segment inside the input folder. The following code block shows how to use the Deeplabv3+ in Python to do semantic segmentation:

You can obtain the labels of the segments and create an overlay with yet another input image, as shown in the following diagram:

Transfer Learning what it is, and when to use it

Transfer learning is a deep learning strategy that reuses knowledge gained from solving one problem by applying it to a different, but related, problem. For example, let's say we have three types of flowers, namely, a rose, a sunflower, and a tulip. We can use the standard pre-trained models, such as VGG16/19, ResNet50, or InceptionV3 models (pre-trained on ImageNet with 1000 output classes, which can be found at here to classify the flower images, but our model wouldn't be able to correctly identify them because these flower categories were not learned by the models. In other words, they are classes that the model is not aware of.

The following image shows how the flower images are classified wrongly by the pre-trained VGG16 model (the code is left to the reader as an exercise):

Transfer learning with Keras

Training of pre-trained models is done on many comprehensive image classification problems. The convolutional layers act as a feature extractor, and the fully connected (FC) layers act as classifiers, as shown in the following diagram, in the context of cat vs. dog image classification with a conv net:

Since the standard models, such as VGG-16/19, are quite large and are trained on many images, they are capable of learning many different features for different classes. We can simply reuse the convolutional layers as a feature extractor that learns low and high level image features, and train only the FC layer weights (parameters). This is what transfer learning is.

We can use transfer learning when we have a training set that is concise, and the problem that we are dealing with is the same as that on which the pre-trained model was trained. We can tweak the convolutional layers if we have ample data, and learn all the model parameters from scratch so that we can train the models to learn more robust features relevant to our problem. 

Now, let's use transfer learning to classify rose, sunflower and tulip flower images. These images are obtained from the TensorFlow sample image dataset, available at here. Let's use 550 images for each of the three classes, making a total of 1,650 images, which is a small number of images and the right place to use transfer learning. We'll use 500 images from each class for training, reserving the remaining 50 images from each class for validation. Also, let's create a folder called flower_photos, with two sub-folders, train and valid, inside it, and save our training and validation images inside those folders, respectively. The folder structure should look such as the following:

We will first load the weights of the convolution layers only for the pre-trained VGG16 model (with include_top=False, let's not load the last two FC layers), which will act as our classifier. Note that the last layer has a shape of 7 x 7 x 512.

We will use the ImageDataGenerator class to load the images, and the flow_from_directory() function to generate batches of images and labels. We will also use model.predict() function to pass the image through the network, giving us a 7 x 7 x 512 dimensional tensor and subsequently reshape the tensor into a vector. We will find the validation_features in the same way.

That being said, let's implement transfer learning with Keras to train the VGG16 model partially—that is, it will just learn the weights for the FC layers only on the training images we have, and then use it to predict the classes:

Next, create your own model with a simple feed-forward network with a softmax output layer that has three classes. Next, we have to train the model. As you have already seen, training a network in Keras is as simple as calling the function. In order to check the performance of the model, let's visualize which images are wrongly classified:

Neural style transfers with cv2 using a pre-trained torch model

In this section, we will discuss how to use deep learning to implement a neural style transfer (NST). You will be surprised at the kind of artistic images we can generate using it. Before diving into further details about the deep learning model, let's discuss some of the basic concepts.

Understanding the NST algorithm

The NST algorithm was first revealed in a paper on the subject by Gatys et alia in 2015. This technique involves a lot of fun! I am sure you will love implementing this, and will be amazed at the outputs that you'll create.

It attempts to merge two images based on the following parameters

The NST algorithm uses these parameters to create a third, generated image (G). The generated image G combines the content of the image C with the style of image S.

Here is an example of what we will actually be doing: 

Surprised? I hope you liked the filter applied on the Mona Lisa! Excited to implement this? Let's do it with transfer learning. 

Implementation of NST with transfer learning

Unlike most of the algorithms in deep learning, NST optimizes a cost function to get pixel values. An NST implementation generally uses a pre-trained convolutional network.

It is simply the idea of using a network trained on one task and putting it to use on an entirely new task.

The following are the three component loss functions:

Each component is individually computed and then combined in a single meta-loss function. By minimizing the meta-loss function, we will be, in turn, jointly optimizing the content, style, and total-variation loss as well.

Ensuring NST with content loss

We now thoroughly know that top layers of a convolutional network detect lower level features and the deeper layers detect high-level features of an image. But what about the middle layers? They hold content. And as we want the generated image G to have similar contents as the input, our content image C, we would use some activation layers in between to represent content of an image. 

We are going to get more visually pleasing outputs if we choose the middle layers of the network ourselves, meaning that it's neither too shallow, nor too deep.

The content loss or feature reconstruction loss (which we want to minimize) can be represented as the following:

Here, nW, nH, and nC are width, height, and number of channels in the chosen hidden layer, respectively. In practice, the following happens:

Computing the style cost

We first need to compute the style, or Gram matrix, by computing the matrix of dot products from the unrolled filter matrix.

The style loss for the hidden layer a can be represented as the following:

We want to minimize the distance between the Gram matrices for the images S and G. The overall weighted style loss (which we want to minimize) is represented as the following:

Here, λ represents the weights for different layers. Bear the following in mind:

Computing the overall loss

A cost function that minimizes both the style and the content cost is the following:

Sometimes, to encourage spatial smoothness in the output image G, a total variation regularizer TV(G) is also added to the RHS convex combination.

In this section, however, we shall not use transfer learning. If you are interested, you can follow the link provided in the further reading and references section. Instead, we are going to use a pre-trained Torch model (Torch is yet another deep learning library) with a particular image style, namely, the Starry Night painting by Van Gogh.

Neural style transfer with Python and OpenCV

Let's first download the pre-trained Torch model from github repository and save it in the current folder (where we are planning to run the following code from). Create a folder named output on the current path to save the generated image by the model.

The next code block demonstrates how to perform an NST (with Starry Night style) to an input content image. First, use the cv2.dnn.readNetFromTorch() function to load the pre-trained model.

Next, create a 4-dimensional blob from the image with the cv2.dnn.blobFromImage() function by subtracting the mean values from the RGB channels. Finally, perform a forward pass to obtain an output image (that is, the result of the NST algorithm):


In this chapter, we discussed a few advanced deep learning applications to solve a few complex image processing problems. We started with basic concepts in image classification with localization and object detection. Then we demonstrated how a popular YOLO v2 FCN pre-trained model can be used to detect objects in images and draw boxes around them. Next, we discussed the basic concepts in semantic segmentation and then demonstrated how to use DeepLab v3+ (along with a summary on its architecture) to perform semantic segmentation of an image. Then we defined transfer learning and explained how and when it is useful in deep learning, along with a demonstration on transfer learning in Keras to classify flowers with a pre-trained VGG16 model. Finally, we discussed how to generate novel artistic images with deep neural style transfer, and demonstrated this with Python and OpenCV and a pre-trained Torch model. You should be familiar with how to use pre-trained deep learning models to solve complex image processing problems. You should be able to load pre-trained models with Keras, Python, and OpenCV, and use the models to predict outputs for different image processing tasks. You should also be able to use transfer learning and implement it with Keras.

In the next chapter, we'll discuss a few more advanced image processing problems.

Further reading